Early Voting by public appearance for the May 7 elections begins Monday, April 25 with separate elections for the city council and Fredericksburg Independent School District Board Trustees. The final day for Early Voting by personal appearance is May 3rd.
Early Voting for the city election will be conducted at the Girl Scout Cabin, 202 West Austin Street. Early Voting for the school board will be held at the Gillespie County Elections Office, 95 Frederick Road.
Curbside voting is available to any voter who has mobility issues and is unable to enter the polling place without assistance. Upon arrival, voters are asked to notify an election official.
FISD election information is available at: For additional information regarding the city council elections visit:
Tuesday, April 26, is the last day to apply for a ballot by mail, received, not postmarked. Ballots must be received by 5:00 p.m., the day after Election Day and postmarked no later than 7:00 p.m. on Election Day to be counted.
In order to be eligible to Vote by Mail: you must be 65 years or older; disabled, or have a sickness or a physical condition preventing you from entering the polling place without needing assistance; expected to give birth within three weeks before or after Election Day; expected to be absent from the county during Early Voting and on Election Day; confined to jail or civilly committed, but otherwise eligible to vote.
Voters MUST include an identification number on the application and on the ballot carrier envelope. Due to new voting laws, individuals will have the ability to correct a problem within six days after Election Day and it is recommended that voters include a contact number.