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Local News

Kimble County communications tower collapses, more Hill Country law enforcement and road updates

todayFebruary 14, 2021

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As road conditions worsen for the third straight day, local law enforcement is pleading with residents to stay off of the roads until conditions are better.

Kerr County Sheriff, Larry Leitha, stressed Saturday night the importance of drivers staying off the road. “Please don’t drive unless it is an extreme emergency. We are at maximum capacity!”

The roadway conditions have not improved since then. In fact, they have gotten worse. To add to the already icy conditions, snow is expected to fall in the Hill Country in the next 24 hours.

Image Credit: National Weather Service

Here are the latest updates, straight from the sources, as of Sunday morning.

City of Kerrville – Police Department

2:40 PM Sunday

Update from KPD officers on the streets: Conditions are the same.

Bitterly cold, with blowing snow/sleet.

There is ice on every street, much of which is a thin glaze that can’t be seen until it’s too late.

There is still a lot of traffic in town.

Now is not the time to drive around looking at the ice.

Stay home and stay safe. Prepare for conditions to worsen overnight.

2:06 PM Sunday

Update from KPD officers on the streets: The weather is getting worse.

It’s snowing and visibility is not great.

Everything west of Harper Road is basically impassible. Again, all city streets, roads and highways in the area have ice on them.

It is not safe to be out driving. Roads that are bad now are only going to get worse.

Stay home and stay safe. If you choose to drive, be prepared to sustain yourself or walk if you become stranded or have an accident and your vehicle is disabled.

First responders might not be able to get to you for an extended period of time, if at all.

12:24 PM Sunday

Update from KPD officers on the streets and road closure update: Officers continue to respond to multiple accidents and stranded drivers as people continue to drive in town.

Stay home and stay safe. All first responders are stretched thin right now.

If you choose to ignore these warnings, you are placing others at risk.

From City of Kerrville


The City of Kerrville Street Division has closed the following sections of road:

• G St bridge

• Sheppard Rees from Spur 98 to city limits

• Holdsworth Dr. (ALL).

• Loop 534 from SH16 to Leslie Dr.

Road Closed Barricades will be in place – This is a full closure and through traffic will not be possible due to icing conditions.

Closure is in effect until further notice.

Public safety personnel should consider alternate routes.

11:10 AM Sunday

Road closure update: SH 16 to Fredericksburg is closed.

If you don’t live off of SH 16, stay off it. All area roads have ice on them. No street, road, or highway in the Hill Country should be considered safe to drive at this time.

The lack of a sign or barrier does not mean a road is ice free and safe to drive.

Unless a trip is absolutely vital, stay home.

Understand that if you choose to drive, you are at high risk of being in an accident and becoming stranded.

First responders may not be able to get to you. Be prepared to walk or sustain yourself in the event your vehicle becomes disabled. Pass this information on to others.

9:45 AM Sunday

Update from KPD officers on the streets: All city streets are frozen. Stay home and stay safe. If you choose to drive, be prepared to sustain yourself in the likely event of an accident.

Kerrville Police Department

First responders might not be able to reach you quickly or at all, and wreckers are not running.

Loop 534 from Leslie Drive to Cypress Creeek is closed. Barriers should be going up soon.

Sheppard Rees Road is frozen and impassible.

We are working with the county to get it closed. No street, road or highway in Kerrville or Kerr County should be considered safe at this time.

The lack of barriers or signs does not mean a road is safe.

Be careful on sidewalks, driveways and parking lots.

Stay inside if at all possible. Conditions are going to worsen throughout the day and into the overnight hours.

8:31 AM Sunday Morning

Update from KPD officers on the streets: Stay home. All city streets are frozen over and unsafe. Stay off the streets.

Even if a sign or barricade is not up, no city street should be considered safe to drive. Stay off the streets.

Holdsworth Drive is closed.

Multiple vehicles have slid off the roadway.

We have responded to well over a dozen accidents this morning due to the icy roads.

Again, every city street has ice on it.

City Streets Department, Kerr County Road and Bridge, and TxDOT are all working as fast as they can to put down gravel and de-icing material, but they are struggling with the ice as well.

Again, the lack of a barrier or sign does not mean a street is safe.

If you choose to drive, drive slowly. Drive to the conditions, not the speed limit. Avoid sharp turns and sudden braking.

When you lose traction, gently steer into the direction of your skid.

Wreckers are not running and officers may not be able to reach you, so be prepared to sustain yourself in your vehicle for an undetermined amount of time or walk.

Pack warm clothes, blankets, food and water.

7:32 AM Sunday

Update from officers on the street and street closure information: All city streets have ice and are driving conditions are much worse than yesterday. Do not drive if you can avoid it.

Loop 534 is closed from Sidney Baker to Cypress Creek Road. People trying to get to the shelter at Calvary Temple Church at 3000 Loop 534 will need to come from the Tivy High School side.

G Street is closed from Sidney Baker to Broadway. Most of SH 27, which includes Memorial Boulevard, Broadway, Main Street and Junction Highway as it runs through town, is completely frozen over.

Holdsworth Drive and Harper Road are also iced over and vehicles have slid off the roadway.

Singing Wind is bad. IH10 and SH 16 should be avoided.

We will continue to update you on road closures as we are able. Please do not call our dispatchers for updates on road conditions.

The streets are icy and will stay that way. Stay home and stay safe.

7:14 AM Sunday

From City of Kerrville


The City of Kerrville’s Street Division has closed Loop 534 on behalf of TXDOT from State Highway 16 to Cypress Creek Road.

Road Closed barricades will be in place.This is a full closure and through traffic will not be possible due to icing conditions.

Closure is in effect until further notice. Public safety personnel should consider alternate routes.

8:07 PM Saturday

Update from KPD officers on the streets: Streets are becoming slick as it continues to mist and the temperatures drop.

Ice is beginning to form and it’s expected to worsen throughout the night.

We have responded to a couple of traffic accidents, thankfully with no injuries reported, and will probably have more as roads get worse.

We again ask people to stay home if possible and use extreme care when driving.

The winter storm will worsen tomorrow, with conditions deteriorating overnight Sunday and through Monday and Tuesday.

This is an extremely dangerous cold weather system.

Temps will drop into the single digits. Stay inside as much as possible.

If you do go outside, dress accordingly.

Know the signs of hypothermia and limit outside activities.

Protect your pipes, outdoor plants and bring your pets inside.

Be aware of icy surfaces when walking, and use caution on sidewalks, driveways and parking lots.

2:36 PM Saturday

For anyone needing shelter: The Salvation Army, located at 855 Hays Street, will be open beginning at 3:00 p.m. today.

Their phone number is (830) 257-6770. Capacity is approximately 25 people.

Husbands and wives may need to be in separate facilities due to accommodation limitations.

Meals will be provided at this location. The Salvation Army is not able to assist with meals for people off site due to COVID and a lack of volunteers.

If you have questions, please contact the Salvation Army at the number above.

Calvary Temple Church, located at 3000 Loop 534, is available now for shelter.

They have chairs and minimal food (ramen noodles, water, coffee, etc.). Cots are available.

People are welcome to bring blankets and sleeping bags if they have them.

They will be open 24/7. Follow the orange cones to the entrance.

Their number is (830) 377-4446 if you have any questions.

Gillespie County Sheriff’s Office

2:08 PM Sunday

From patrol … this is currently on US Highway 87 South (to Comfort) near Old Comfort Road.

At least four stalled or jack-knifed 18-wheelers has caused a temporary closure of the highway.

Image: Gillespie County Sheriff’s Office

1:25 PM Sunday

TxDOT has decided to close US Highway 87 from Mason to Hill Top because of adverse weather conditions.

Just earlier, deputies were responding to two jack-knifed 18-wheelers on West US Highway 290 near Usener and Reeh-Weinheimer Roads.

Again, the road conditions within Gillespie County remain the same, and in some instances, have worsened.

Afternoon and evening weather forecasts will only make road conditions worse than they already are.

We strongly advise motorists to stay off the roads or to limit travel.

If you should decide to venture out there is a good chance of becoming stranded and immediate assistance might not be available to you.

You should imagine that each street, road, and highway within Gillespie County could be unsafe to travel because they are covered in ice.

Other road conditions are that IH-10 from Boerne to Junction is closed. TxDOT has also recommended that there be no vehicular traffic on SH 16 North (to Llano) and South (to Kerrville) because of adverse road conditions from the weather.

Also, Ranch Road 1376 from the Kendall County line to Boerne is closed.

Please do not place an additional burden on our first responders by ignoring these warnings.

Stay home and stay safe. We continue to monitor all road conditions in the county and will continue to keep you updated as much as possible.

For the latest information on all road conditions in and around the state please go to

11:31 AM Sunday

For those displaced by the weather conditions and in need, and can safely travel, please read the following share.

City of Fredericksburg/Gillespie County

Standing Up Temporary Shelter

By the efforts of the City of Fredericksburg, Gillespie County, and FISD, a temporary shelter for displaced Gillespie County residents will be opening at noon on Sunday, February 14, 2021.

The shelter will be located at the Fredericksburg Elementary School (FES) located at 1608 N. Adams St. in Fredericksburg.

Those needing shelter will be allowed to bring in a change of clothes, bedding, toiletries, and necessary medications.

Check in will take place in the FES cafeteria. Due to the limited number of people that will be able to use this shelter due to COVID-19 guidelines, this shelter should be used as a last option.

Residents are encouraged to shelter in place, stay with family or friends, or stay in a local lodging facility, before utilizing the shelter option.

The City of Fredericksburg/Gillespie County EOC urges everyone to shelter in place and avoid being on the roadways.

To contact the EOC with questions or concerns, please call dispatch at (830)997-7585.

La ciudad de Fredericksburg, el condado de Gillespie y FISD abrirán un refugio temporal para residentes desplazados del condado de Gillespie al mediodía del domingo 14 de febrero de 2021 en FES, escuela elemental de Fredericksburg, 1608 N. Adams St. Aquellos que necesiten refugio podrán traer una muda de ropa, ropa de cama, artículos de higiene personal y medicamentos necesarios.

Deben registrarse en la cafetería de FES. Este refugio debe considerarse como última opción debido al número limitado de personas que podrán usarlo de acuerdo a las reglas de COVID-19.

Antes de utilizar esta opción de refugio, los residentes del condado de Gillespie deben considerar primero si pueden permanecer en su hogar, quedarse con familiares o amigos, o quedarse en una instalación de alojamiento local como un hotel o B&B. El EOC, Centro de Operaciones para Emergencias de la ciudad de Fredericksburg/Condado de Gillespie, insta a todos a refugiarse donde estén y a evitar el uso de las carreteras.

Si necesita transportación al refugio o tiene preguntas, por favor llame al EOC al (830) 997-7585.

8:45 AM Sunday

The road conditions within Gillespie County from yesterday remain the same or in some instances have worsened.

Since yesterday morning, we have urged motorists to stay off the roads or to limit travel.

If you should decide to venture out there is a good chance of becoming stranded and immediate assistance might not be available.

You should imagine that each street, road, and highway within Gillespie County could be unsafe to travel because they are covered in ice.

As of this moment, IH-10 from Boerne to Junction is closed.

TxDOT has also recommended that there be no vehicular traffic on SH 16 North (to Llano) and South (to Kerrville) because of adverse road conditions from the weather.

Also, Ranch Road 1376 from the Kendall County line to Boerne is closed.

Please do not place an additional burden on our first responders by ignoring these warnings.

We continue to monitor all road conditions in the county and will continue to keep you updated as much as possible.

For the latest information on all road conditions in and around the state please go to

Ingram Police Department

3:38 PM Sunday

The Kerrville Public Utility Board (KPUB) is issuing an appeal to residents of Kerr County and the City of Kerrville to conserve their electric use as much as possible starting now (Sunday, February 14) through Tuesday, February 16, after receiving warnings anticipating record-energy demands that could impact the Texas power grid through Tuesday.

Help us keep our community’s—and the state’s—lights on and avoid potential power-supply outage issues by conserving energy (peak usage hours/when conservation is needed the most is between 7 a.m.-12 p.m. and 5-10 p.m.).

Conserve energy by:

• Setting your thermostat to 68 degrees or under.

• Avoiding using major appliances such as dryers during peak morning and evening hours.

• Closing shades and blinds to reduce heat leaving your home.

• Bundling up and utilizing clothing and blankets for additional warmth.

• Turning off unused lights and unplugging any nonessential equipment (small appliances such as toasters) as they still draw current.

1:12 PM Sunday

We have spent the morning driving the roads and tending to folks in need.

At this time we have sleet falling and the temperature is 21 degrees.

All of the roadways and bridges are covered in ice.

All first responders are stretched to the limit.

Road conditions:Main street to Ingram Hills Road is iced and very slick avoid this area.

All other roads have a thin layer of ice that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

The driveway leading into and out of the Ingram High School Gym is freezing over making it difficult to get to the Gym area.

None of the restaurants are open for business.

Please stay home and stay safe!

9:40 AM Sunday

Getting to the Taco house is not an emergency even if you turn your flashers on. Folks you are putting people at risk stay home. The roads are not safe.

8:42 AM Sunday

All of the roadways are covered in a thin layer of ice making driving extremely difficult and dangerous. Please stay off the roadways.

8:12 PM Saturday

The Bridge at Johnson Creek is iced over, we have reported this to TXDOT, but remember they have a lot of roads to cover so we do not know how soon they will be able to take care of this.

Ingram Hills Road is iced over and impossibleto climb from the Main Street side. We have notified Ingram Public Works and Kerr County Road and Bridge.

The driveway to Ingram High School Gym is also icy and difficult to navigate. Please use caution if you are in any of these areas.

We currently have misting rain and ice is forming quickly. Please stay home and stay safe.

Kendall County Sheriff’s Office

2:48 PM Sunday

Widespread snow will overspread the area tonight.

Temperatures will drop into the single digits and teens by morning with wind chills less than zero expected.

Please stay off roadways as anyone stranded may not be helped for a prolonged period of time.

Gusty winds will drop visibilities within the heaviest snow below 1/4 of a mile at times.

Tx-Dot has been out all day treating the roads in an attempt to keep up with the inclement conditions.

As conditions continue to deteriorate, their primary focus will be IH-10 in Kendall County.

Secondary roads will not be treated. Things will only get more severe! Please stay home!

9:23 AM Sunday

From Kendall County Emergency Management

We are receiving multiple messages and comments as to which roads are open and closed.

Right now we are advising everyone to stay home and assume all roads are iced.

We ask you show your support for our first responders by avoiding situations that put them, and yourself, in serious danger.

With current road conditions, emergency crews may not be able to reach you quickly following an accident.

At this point, all roads in Kendall County should be considered hazardous to travel.

5:50 AM Sunday

Several icy roadways being reported by our Patrol Deputies and TXDOT this morning.

Please avoid traveling! Conditions will only deteriorate further later this afternoon and tonight across all of South-Central Texas!

9:58 PM Saturday

Bridges and overpasses on I-10 are already covered in ice!

Multiple wrecks have occurred in the last hour near the Bexar and Kendall County Line. Kerr County has Closed both East and West bound traffic of IH-10 from MM 505 to MM 522.

Please do not drive unless it is an absolute emergency and if you do, use extreme caution. Conditions will get worse as the night progresses.

We will keep you updated throughout the morning and day.

Bandera County Sheriff’s Office

2:05 PM Saturday

We’re asking everyone that does not have an absolute need to travel to STAY HOME and off Bandera County roads.

Highway 16, FM 2828 and Hwy 173 are hazardous right now, along with most city and rural streets and roads.

Bandera County Sheriff’s Office, Bandera Marshal’s Office, Constables, Game Wardens, DPS, Bandera County EMS, local VFDs, TxDOT, Road and Bridge and other jurisdictions are working endlessly to keep the public safe.

Please show your support for our first responders by avoiding situations that put them, and yourself, in serious danger.

With current road conditions, emergency crews may not be able to reach you quickly following an accident.

Please stay home and tuned into news, rather than becoming part of it.

The last 48 hours has been hard and the worst of this winter blast is yet to come. Being stranded in your vehicle in these conditions may easily become a life-threatening situation.

For the latest info about roads, directly from the state road authorities at TX DOT, please visit .

Please do not call law enforcement agencies, BCSO included, for road condition information. We are answering calls for life-threatening situations and cannot provide up-to-the-minute information on roads.

Again, all roads in our region should be considered hazardous, with more precipitation coming and freezing temperatures not expected to break until at least Wednesday.

Over the last 12 hours, we have responded to several falls from slipping on ice on driveways, sidewalks, and stairs.

You are not immune to injury because you are not driving. A fall can seriously injure yourself or others.

Dispatchers do not know when certain roads will close or re-open. Road closures depend on weather and road conditions.

Be cautious, go slow, and always put safety first! Weather updates can be found at

Junction Police Department

12:15 PM Sunday

This may be a long shot —We are in dire need of snow chains.

If you have any you are willing to give or lend out to us please let us know.

The highest need is for the dump trucks that TXDOT has.

But any will be used and appreciated. Thanks

11:56 AM Sunday

We have no radio communication because we have no tower.

The county tower has collapsed.

Now it is even more important not to call dispatch unless you really need something.

Because dispatch will be calling all first responders by telephone.

10:05 PM Saturday

We’re asking everyone that does not have an absolute need to travel to STAY HOME and off Kimble County roads.

Both Interstate 10 and State Highway 83 and 377 are extremely hazardous right now, along with most city streets and rural roads.

The Sheriff’s Office, Junction PD, DPS, Texas Department of Transportation, Junction and London fire department and other jurisdictions are working tirelessly to keep the public safe.

Please show your support for our first responders by avoiding situations that put them, and yourself, in serious danger.

With current road conditions, emergency crews may not be able to reach you quickly following an accident.

At this point, all roads in Kimble County should be considered hazardous to travel.

Please stay home and tuned into news, rather than becoming part of it.

We have seen many traffic incidents in the last 36 hours, and the worst of this winter blast is yet to come.

Lows into Monday will be in the low single digits, with wind chills well below zero, along with more frozen and freezing precipitation.

Being stranded in your vehicle in these conditions may easily become a life-threatening situation.

For the latest info about roads, directly from the state road authorities at TX DOT, please visit

Please do not call local dispatch for road condition information. We are answering calls for life-threatening situations and cannot provide up-to-the-minute information on roads.

Again, all roads in our region should be considered hazardous, with more precipitation coming and freezing temperatures not expected to break until Thursday.


Written by: ABC News

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